Competitive Dynamics: Themes, Trends, and a Prospective Research Platform

    We provide a critical retrospective of the competitive dynamics perspective before proposing an integrative research platform for the future. We argue that competitive dynamics can serve as a synthesizing framework for linking strategy content and process, resource-based and market perspectives, strategy development and implementation, and macro-competitive and micro-actor viewpoints. We first present the core distinguishing elements and purposes of competitive dynamics. Then, we identify and relate the most prominent research themes in the field: a focus on action/response dyads, strategic competitive behaviors, competitive repertoires, corporate-level competitive and resource analyses, and competitive perceptions. Characteristic methodological concerns are also discussed. Recent trends in each of these areas are highlighted; these include an increased emphasis on context-specific research, cross-border investigations, and behavioral interdependencies. We conclude by identifying gaps in the literature and proposing a general model and research agenda that integrates micro-behavioral and macro-organizational aspects of strategy and connects competitive dynamics to previously unexplored domains in the literature. There is some repetition in the presentation so that most sections can be read independently.


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